
energy/field health Jul 29, 2021

A loving welcome!

Today, our whole family was enjoying the early morning hours at the beach. The kids were having some surf lessons, my husband enjoyed the sun, our dog had lots of fun with other dogs and I took the opportunity to find a quiet shady spot to tune in with my Lovetuner.

The Lovetuner is a small one-tone flute calibrated to 528hz (solfeggio frequency). The Solfeggio frequencies make up a 6-tone music scale. 528hz is associated with transformation as DNA repair. This frequency is also called the love frequency. 

This small flute is a meditation instrument that strengthens the overall well-being with which you bring yourself in balance and relaxation.

I highly recommend to use this "instrument" for pregnant women! It helps you be in the here and now, to breath deeply, to connect with you and your unborn and even send some love vibes to your child.

To be in tune means to be in harmony with you and your environment and to connect with your heart.

I especially love to tune in with my Lovetuner in nature. Sometimes my teenagers and and I are "playing" it together. We like sitting in a circle and blowing through it for about 18 breathes. We are either doing it in the morning or after dinner, after device time. Even our dog is joining us during our sessions. First he was confused by the sound, but now he joins us and relaxes.

If you want to find out more information about the Lovetuner I encourage you to go on the official site: Lovetuner.

If you use a Lovetuner or not, the most important thing to do is to tune in with you!

Happy tuning!
