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Good bonding is the key to a healthy society and it starts with you!

Jasmine Bertschy

Hi, I'm Jasmine

Founder of WholisticFamilyLeader

This is my Story 

I grew up in a suburb of Zurich, Switzerland. Ever since birth I have never truly been connected to myself. My mother was only 19 when she was pregnant with me and wasn't allowed to show her pregnancy. She had to hide her belly. Fear and rejection were the feelings she carried around during that time. Those emotions were unconsciously passen on to me.  I often had a feeling of not being welcome, feeling dis-connected and not belong to this world. My entire life, I have had a tendency of hiding until I started my studies as a Craniosacral-, prenatal- and birth therapist where I learnt to look at traumas and blockages and started to connect the dots. Trhough all the inner work I connected to myself and everything that is. Now I’ve turned my experiences, insights and knowledge into an easy-to-follow Mini-Course that any soon to be mom can use to learn about the importance of consciously creating  a "welcoming field".

Another passion of me is to do cosmic distant facilitations for pets and humans. If you want to find inner peace and connect to your inner truth, then this is the way to go. I create an environment where self-healing can happen and where you feel safe enough to release all kind of blockages and traumas. I support you to create the life you dream of. Everything is possible, if you allow it. You are much more powerful than you belief! 



My Career

Take responsibility with Jasmine

Get rid of the stressors and Your life will transform.

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