More important than ever – strengthen your Immune System

health Sep 04, 2021

If you have a strong immune system, you don’t have to be afraid of bacteria and viruses. They are even a part of our body system. We literally live in an ocean of those pathogens, without them, we would die.

Wearing masks and being in closed rooms with no fresh air and sunshine and no contact to other human beings is highly counter productive, same as living in fear. Fear keeps you in a lower vibration and you’re more prone to disease. Dis-ease simply means lack of ease.

Live a healthy lifestyle and you’ll be rewarded for it. Avoid stress, sleep enough, do meditations, yoga or whatever,  speak your truth, have a healthy diet, be out in nature, cuddle your pets and enjoy your life. Happiness is the key!

Belief in your ability to heal. Your body is a self-healing organism and not a machine where you exchange body parts like in a car.

My kids haven’t been to a doctor for at least 15 years. People tell me that we are lucky, but in my opinion it has more to do than just luck. It’s their mindset, their diet and their all over feeling about themselves. Happiness is again the key and being loved, accepted and respected as who they are.

As a reminder: You are more than you have been told!!

