Trust your gut

mind Feb 17, 2022

Do people still trust their gut? When I look around I see the complete opposite. Fear will take over the world if you let it. You can see it in people’s eyes, in their facial expressions, their posture. Fear of viruses, bacteria, accidents, robbers, being cheated on etc. The list is endless. Most people are all caught up in the matrix, blinded by their lies. The government and media are doing a good job at keeping people imprisoned. Humans lost their sense of questioning circumstances. They trust the outside more than their feelings, intuition, and their common sense. If people started going inward and listen to their inner wisdom they would know better. You would feel when something is wrong.  

 But how should people trust their gut if they have never learnt and/or experienced it? How you react in different situations, tells a lot about your months in the womb and your upbringing in the first 7 years. Those years are the foundation. Neither school nor most parents teach you how to listen to your intuition. So a cycle starts to happen. Parents don’t have trust in their feelings as a consequence they don’t trust their children’s perception. So the child learns not to trust their feelings, their intuition.

 Do you trust your gut?

 Observe yourself in everyday life. Do you follow your inner perception and impulses or your family’s and social conventions, which are almost always designed for control? Do you trust your decisions or do you let yourself be influenced by your environment and other peoples judgement? Do you have to control people?

We only have as much trust as we have received from our caregivers.

 How can you learn to trust your own feelings?

 Learn to feel again. Listen to your body. Be present, observe the reactions of your body, notice what you are feeling. Perceive it, accept it and then let it go. In our society, our mind is more important than our intuition. Feelings have no value anymore. Thinking is the new trend.

Again, trust in general can only happen when you have a good relationship with yourself. You can’t trust your kid, when you don’t even know how to trust yourself.   

 Learn how to trust yourself and start listening to your intuition and life will not only benefit you, but also your child. It is one of the most helpful things you can do in this lifetime. To get in touch with who you are, you have to set some time aside to look inward and create self-love. More to that in another blog.  

 So start loving you! Trust your gut and intuition. You can only truly love someone else once you start loving yourself.